Himalayan Association for Development & Research Initiatives
“Niyojit Parvatarohan: Vanyata aur Sampannata ke Beech Santulan.” (Hindi) PAHAR Vol I, (Ed) Dr Shekhar Pathak, Nanital, 1983.
“Ecological impact assessment of religio touristic activities in Gangotri-Gaumukh area.” In Vedic philosophy for Himalayan Eco-system development, (Ed) M.L. Dewan & B.D. Joshi, Concept Pub. Company, N. Delhi, 1993.
“Garhwal Kshetra Main Paryavaran Sanrakshan Arthvyavastha Ka Paryay Athwa Pratisthapan.” (Hindi) Ed. Dr. M.S. Rawat, Takshashila Prakashan, N. Delhi,1993.
An effort towards eco-conservation in Gangotri-Gaumukh Himalaya. Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol. I, (Ed) Col M.P. Yadav, Columbia Press, 1995.
“Eco-conservation for ecotourism.” In Profiles of Indian tourism, (Ed) Dr. Shalini Singh, A.P.H. Pub., N.Delhi, 1996.
“Search and Rescue Cell for Uttarkashi District A View.” Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol. II, (Ed) Col M.P.Yadav, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, Columbia Press, N. Delhi, 1996.
“Sankat Ke Sutra Avam Niyojan.” (Hindi) Parvat Vani, N.Delhi, 1996.
Afforestation in Gangotri-Gaumukh Area. Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol. IV, (Ed) Col. Ajit Dutt. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, Columbia Press, N.Delhi, 1999.
Ecotourism: An Alternative For Sustainable Development of Garhwal Himalaya, Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol.V, (Ed) Col. Ajit Dutt, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, Columbia Press, N.Delhi, 1999.
Tourism in Garhwal Himalaya Past Present and Future. Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol. VI. (Ed) Major Kulwant Dhami, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, Columbia Press, N.Delhi, 2000.
“Kathin Shikhar ka Sparsh.” (Hindi) PAHAR, (Ed) Dr. Shekhar Pathak, Nanital, 2002-03.
Mountain Tourism in High Altitude Areas of Garhwal Himalaya. Nehru Mountaineering Journal, Vol.VIII, (Ed) Col. Ashok Abbey, Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, Columbia Press, N. Delhi, 2002-03.
Pilgrimage and Tourism in Gangotri-Gaumukh Area: Formulation of Development Planning and Conservation Model, Vol. II, (Ed) Dr. M.S.S. Rawat, Printmedia House, Srinagar, (Garhwal).